Pupil & Sports Premium
Pupil Premium
The government continues to provide funding targeted at addressing underlying inequalities and aiming to tackle the disadvantages that some children experience in life. As a school we used the money carefully to ensure that our vulnerable children achieved the best support possible. One of the measures for assessing the impact of this funding is to look at those children who claim free school meals (FSM).
The school’s strategy for closing the Pupil Premium gap is very successful. This can be evidenced by the attainment gap closing across the school. Pupil Premium children, without additional vulnerability factors, are now performing broadly in line with Non Pupil Premium children. Overall, any learning gaps are now negligible and Pupil Premium children are making the same, and in some cases, better progress than their peers.
Alderwood continues to be committed to tackling early inequalities.
Please see full Pupil Premium strategy below.
Sports Premium
As an academy we receive Sports Premium funding in 2 separate payments. When we should be receiving our funds is stated here.
A breakdown of how we spend this funding is published and finalised by 31st July each year. This is updated and edited throughout the year.